Recent media stories from New York City have rocked and rightly angered the LGBT community throughout the country.  The brazen assaults and most recently the horrific cowardly murder of Mark Carson is galvanizing the LGBT community in NYC to action.

Castro Community On Patrol is in contact with a number of indiiduals in NYC, providing support, guidance, advice and encouragement as they consider the option of creating similar Community On Patrol Service (COPS) groups, such as CCOP, throughout the 5 boroughs.   It will be a challenging road, as it was when CCOP was formed, but we stand ready to help and assist our NYC brothers and sisters in any and every way possible.

We have SUCH A LONG WAY still to go, before this hatred and bigotry is expunged. It requires us ALL to participate, get invovled and make a stand against violence, bogotry and prejudice in all forms. On Harvey Milk Day today, I ask you, how are you personally taking a stand and making a difference?   CCOP is committed to trying to do more, than just a little bit more to help.

  • Join CCOP locally.
  • Support us by making a donation.
  • Work with us to help NYC in their time of need, and other communities when they face similar challenges.

If we ALL do just a little more, perhaps things will be a little better, a little sooner. Don’t ever imagine that one person can’t make a difference – as it is the ONLY thing that every has !!

Check out these amazing photographs of the Anti-Violence march in NYC from Buzfeed.