Our Patrol Division
Our Patrol Division is led by our Chief’s of Patrol who manage and supervise all elements of our physical patrolling, special event participation, volunteer and community training, and community support efforts.
All Patrol Chief’s have a significant amount of time and experience with CCOP, normally rising through the ranks from Patroller (Ptlr.) to Senior Patroller (SPtlr.) before being invited to join the Chief’s ranks. Chief’s dedicated a considerable amount of time, energy, commitment, and focus on the day to day functions of Castro Patrol.

Chief Greg Carey

Joined CCOP: 2007
- Chief of Patrol – Patrol Division
- President of the Board of Directors (C.E.O.) – Administration Division
- Director of Public Relations & Media Relations
- Knight Commander of the venerable Castro Order (KCCO)
CCOP Awards / Recognition:
- 15 year Continuous Service Pin (2022)
- 10 year Continuous Service Pin (2017)
- Outstanding Volunteer Commendation Bar 2013 (OVC)
- Outstanding Service Commendation Bar 2013 (OSC)
- 5 year Continuous Service Pin 2012
Other Awards / Recognition:
- 04/19/2024 – F.B.I. Community Leadership Award
- 03/18/2024 – Certificate of Honor – Mayor, City and County of San Francisco
- 12/16/2012 – Certificate of Sainthood – Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence as St. Watchful Eyes of the Castro Beat (St.WECB)
Greg (Greggy) Carey was born in South Dakota. He was educated at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, studying Electrical Engineering. He worked at Sencore Electronics in Sioux Falls, SD for 19 years, serving several roles including technical writer and editor, field trainer, and corporate video producer.
He moved to Bay Area of California in 1973 before returning to Sioux Falls 2 years later. He met his current partner Rahn Anderson in 1977. They were legally married in San Francisco in 2008. In 1978 he was one of the founding members of the Sioux Empire Gay and Lesbian Coalition (SEGLC) and in 1985 founded the first AIDS support group in South Dakota, the Eastern Dakota AIDS Network (EDAN). He “retired” from gay activation when he and Rahn moved to California in 1991.
Greggy and Rahn began producing a series of video documentaries for the Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco (MCC-SF) in 1997, winning 3 Telly awards as a result. He began working for Cisco Systems in San Jose in 1999 as a Metrics Analyst in the Learning and Development Solutions Group.
In 2007 he trained to become a member of the San Francisco Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT) and has been the Diamond Heights coordinator since 2010 and is an active member of the Diamond Heights Disaster Ready workgroup (http://disasterreadydhsf.com).
In 2007 he became a volunteer with the Castro Community on Patrol (CCOP). A short time later he joined the Board, and in 2008 became its Chair. He is also a member of the SFPD LGBTQ+ Advisory Forum and the San Francisco District Attorney LGBT Forum.

Assistant Chief Ken Craig

Joined CCOP: 2006 (Original founding member of CCOP)
- Assistant Chief of Patrol – Patrol Division
- Vice President of the Board of Directors (Secretary) – Administrative Division
- Director of Volunteer Training and Certification
- Knight Commander of the venerable Castro Order (KCCO)
CCOP Awards / Recognition:
- 15 year Continuous Service Pin 2021
- 10 year Continuous Service Pin 2016
- Founding Member Award 2016
- Outstanding Dedication 10 years Trophy 2016
- Outstanding Volunteer Commendation Bar 2014 (OVC)
- Outstanding Service Commendation Bar 2013 (OSC)
- Training Instructor Commendation Bar 2013
- 5 year Continuous Service Pin 2012
- Certificate of Appreciation 2008
Other Awards & Recognition:
- 04/19/2024 – F.B.I. Community Leadership Award
- 03/18/2024 – Certificate of Honor – Mayor, City and County of San Francisco
- 10/21/2018 – Certificate of Appreciation – SFPD Auxiliary Law Enforcement Response Team
- 01/27/2017 – Certificate of Recognition – California State Senate
- 01/27/2017 – Certificate of Recognition – California State Assembly
- 01/27/2017 – Certificate of Honor – Mayor, City and County of San Francisco
- 01/27/2017 – Certificate of Honor – City Assessor – Recorder, City and County of San Francisco
- 01/27/2017 – Exemplary ALERT Leadership Trophy – Neighborhood Empowerment Network
- 10/02/2016 – Certificate of Recognition – California State Senate
- 07/12/2014 – Certificate of Completion – Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations Citizens Academy
- 12/18/2013 – Certificate of Completion – SFPD Citizens Academy
- 04/13/2013 – Certificate of Completion – SFPD Auxiliary Law Enforcement Response Team
- 12/16/2012 – Certificate of Sainthood – Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence as St. Serve and Protect of the Castro Beat (St.SPBC)
- 06/18/2012 – Certificate of Recognition – San Francisco District Attorney
- 05/31/2012 – Certificate of Recognition – Safety Awareness For Everyone
- 05/31/2012 – Certificate of Recognition – California State Assembly
- 11/02/2008 – Certificate of Recognition – Safety Awareness For Everyone
Ken is one of the original founding members of Castro Community On Patrol, and the only founding member who remains actively involved with the organization as a volunteer and Patroller.
As a Grand Master instructor of martial arts and head of Triangle Martial Arts Association when CCOP was being formed in mid 2006, Ken was asked to attend and speak at the very first public meeting at Joe’s Barber Shop on 17th Street in the Castro. Shortly after that meeting an organizing group was formed and Ken was asked to develop and deliver the initial volunteer training materials for a walking safety patrol. The training content and concept was then approved by the San Francisco Police Department and by SF Safety Awareness For Everyone (SAFE) who were our fiscal sponsors at the time. Ken led the very first volunteer training class for CCOP on November 11, 2006 certifying the first 23 volunteers for patrol, and he has conducted most subsequent volunteer training class since then as our director of Volunteer Training and Certification for CCOP. Ken continues to update and enhance our training methods, policies, procedures, and methods in collaboration with the rest of the Chief’s of Patrol.
Ken was born and raised in Scotland in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – making him both Scottish and British (which confuses many people.) He joined the Corps of Royal Military Police at 17 1/2, a part of the British Army. When he left the military he worked with a number of Government and Fortune 500 companies primarily as a senior systems analyst and engineer and as a program leader for many projects within government and fortune 500 companies.
Ken holds a 9th Degree black belt in the Korean Hap Moosa Ki-Do martial art; a 9th Degree black belt in the Yong Chul-Do martial art; and an 8th Degree black belt in the Korean Tae Kwon-Do martial art – all three of which are Grand Master rankings. Following the horrific murder of Matthew Shepard in 1998, Ken founded and led the nonprofit Triangle Martial Arts Association headquarters in the Castro neighborhood of San Francisco to bring martial arts training and self-defense information to the LGBTQ+ community in the hope that an incident such as Matthew’s murder would never happen again. TMAA taught more than five-hundred students over fifteen years, seeing around thirty rise to 1st Degree black belt rank, and around a dozen of those promote to higher ranks up to 5th Degree black belt. TMAA ceased operations during the worldwide financial crisis.
Ken was a key leader in the San Francisco Police Department development of their Auxiliary Law Enforcement Response Team (ALERT) offering a civilian volunteer support group in 2012-2013 to assist the department during times of disaster and in non-sworn support and assistance functions during normal operations. Ken helped to grow and develop the ALERT program for more than eight years serving as their Assistant Program Coordinator, leading training classes and drills and helping to set policy and procedures for the prgram.
His considerable experience within the law enforcement / safety arena and his background in adult education serve him well in the development of many of the volunteer and community training programs he developed and delivers on behalf of Castro Patrol.
Ken is heavily involved in many other community service and volunteer activities including:
- Member of the International Police Association (IPA)
- Member of the FBI Citizens Academy California Alumni Association (FBI CAA)
- Member of the Sports Committee of the Federation of Gay Games (FGG)
- Secretary of the International Association of Gay & Lesbian Martial Artists (IAGLMA)
- Chief of Patrol and founder of Community Patrol Service (CPS)
- Member of the State of California Volunteer Disaster Corps (Cert-II)
- Private sector member of the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC)
- Member of the Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative (BAUASI)
- Co-Chair San Francisco Police Department LGBTQ+ Advisory Forum
- Member of the SFFD Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT)
- Secretary of Team San Francisco (Team SF)
- Founder and Co-Chair of the San Francisco LGBTQ+ Community Safety Program (SF LGBTQ+ CSP)
Ken lives and works in San Francisco in the Rincon Hill neighborhood with his husband, Paul, whom he met in 1997. Ken & Paul were married at San Francisco City Hall on October 30, 2008 just slipping in under the wire before the contentious Proposition 8 passed two days later which stopped same sex marriage in California. Ken became a naturalized U.S. Citizen on August 15, 2012 but is most definitely still Scottish at heart with Scotch Whisky running through his veins.

Deputy Chief Brian Hill

Joined CCOP: 2009
- Deputy Chief of Patrol – Patrol Division
- Treasurer Board of Directors (C.F.O.) – Administrative Division
- Director of IT Support & Electronic Communications
- Knight Commander of the venerable Castro Order (KCCO)
CCOP Awards / Recognition:
- 15 year Continuous Service Pin 2024
- 10 year Continuous Service Pin 2019
- Outstanding Volunteer Commendation 2018 (OVC)
- Outstanding Service Commendation 2014 (OSC)
- 5 year Continuous Service Pin 2014
- 3 year Continuous Service Pin 2012
Profile details to come.

Deputy Chief Kyle Wong

Joined CCOP: 2014
- Deputy Chief of Patrol – Patrol Division
- Board of Directors, at large – Administrative Division
- Director of Volunteer Recruitment and Retention
- Knight Commander of the venerable Castro Order (KCCO)
CCOP Awards / Recognition:
- 10 Year Continuous Service Pin (2024)
- Advanced to Knight Commander of the venerable Castro Order (KCCO) 05/2022
- Promoted to Deputy Chief (DChf.) of Patrol 05/2022
- Outstanding Service Commendation 2019 (OSC)
- 5 year Continuous Service Pin (2019)
- Advanced to Knight of the venerable Castro Order (KCO) 06/2017
- Promoted to Assistant Deputy Chief (ADChf.) of Patrol 06/2017
- Outstanding Volunteer Commendation 2016 (OVC)
- Patroller of the Year 2016 (CSG)
- Patroller of the Year 2015 (CSG)
- Promoted to Senior Patroller (SPtlr.) 03/2016
- Appointment to CCOP Board of Advisers 04/2015
- Graduated CCOP Basic Training Class 043 11/11/2014
Profile to come.